© 2010 . All rights reserved. scotiabank aero platinum visa

scotiabank : aero platinum visa

credit card design and program identity

A Scotiabank International rewards program being launched in the Caribbean before going global, the Aero program had as its flagship and launch product a platinum credit card. The benefit for the user was first-time true ‘any seat, anywhere, anytime’ travel freedom.

Starting with the identity of the program, initially the mandate was a globe-leading example of progressive card design, including exploration of substrates and printing methods (translucent plastic, metal inks, holography, etc.). However, after the reality
of such a card was fully explored with the client, the choice was to scale back for the initial launch, resulting in 3 more rounds of complete reconceptions of the card.

Left: a summary of wordmarks presented as the core identity for the program itself. Representative conceptual directions of all 4 rounds of concept card design shown. Translucency/transparency is indicated where there is type showing just outside the card edge. The red ‘ribbon’ cards, and the first card of the second column (first concept round) are examples of holography. The ‘waterlight’ card was chosen by the client to refine further as a separate card for the youth market.

concept / direction / design / typography / illustration